Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Unusual Suspects

Okay, so I got my first Television show. It shot in LA on Monday and Tuesday this week. It's a brand new series for Discovery ID called "Unusual Suspects." It is supposed to begin airing sometime in early 2010. The episode I'll be on is called "The Biloxi Murders." I play a woman named Lynne Sposito, the daughter of the couple who are brutally murdered execution style.

This was a trip! I don't know what I was expecting, but this certainly wasn't it. First of all, the hired me off of my photo and resume - no audition. So, I stupidly assumed it would not be a speaking role. Boy, was I wrong. I drove up to LA on Monday afternoon, just in time to rush into the studio for my first call time. They quickly explained to me who my character was and that we would be improving the dialogue. WHAT?!! Oh my f****ing god!

I was finished with my scene in about 10 minutes. It took me longer to change in and out of the outfit than it did to shoot the scene. It was absolutely crazy! Guerilla filmaking at it's finest!

Day 2, very similar, except it lasted all day and on location instead. It was hotter than a witch's tit in a brass bra on set (in the valley with no air conditioning). I absolutely had the time of my life!!! It was so much fun! No really, I did. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything!

And believe it or not, I really enjoyed improving the whole thing. There is nothing that will put you in the moment faster than being on the spot! I just wish I had known more about my character and what kind of personality she had so I could improv HER, and not just my vision of how someone would react in each situation. I hope I do her justice. She deserves it.

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